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 Hamsa  Lapis 🪬 Lazuli 8mm Bracelet

Hamsa Lapis 🪬 Lazuli 8mm Bracelet

The hamsa is a universal symbol of protection, power, and strength that dates back to ancient Mesopotamia. It can be displayed in two ways:

Hand facing down: Also known as Varada Mudra, this position is said to open you up to abundance, fertility, goodness, answers to prayers, and manifestations. In this position, the fingers are often closed together for good luck. 

Lapis lazuli is a stone that is highly regarded for its metaphysical properties and has been associated with spirituality since ancient times. It is said to symbolize spiritual enlightenment, inner vision, and self-awareness. Some believe that lapis lazuli activates the third eye chakra, which can lead to deep intuition, psychic abilities, and spiritual growth. It is also considered a gateway to wisdom, both internal and external, and can help people uncover authenticity in their lives.

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